The Contents.
You will read the following chapters in B2B Customer Experience.

Part 1
Why Bother.
Chapter 01- Customer Experience in Business to Business Markets.
What is customer experience.
Learnings from the High Street.
Emotions and customer experience.
The structure of the book.
Chapter 02 - Exploring customer experience, loyalty and inertia Differences between satisfaction and loyalty.
Loyalty in business.
Customer experience and moments of truth.
Chapter 03 - Understanding customer experience and profitability Customer experience and memories.
The service profit chain.
Customer satisfaction and return on investment.
Net promoter score and growth.
Part 2
Mapping The Customer Experience Today.
Chapter 04 - The six pillars of customer experience.
Fulfilment. Seamlessness.
Responsiveness. Proactivity. Evolution.
Chapter 05 - Essential metrics for measuring customer experience.
Internal measures of CX.
External measures of CX (NPS, customer satisfaction score, customer effort score, net value score).
Chapter 06 - How to benchmark customer experience.
Benchmarking metrics.
Who to benchmark against.
Cultural differences.
Frequency of measurement.
Chapter 07 - What are the key drivers of customer experience?
Memory as a driver of CX.
Finding drivers of customer experience.
The importance of emotions. Employees as drivers of CX.
Chapter 08 - Customer journey mapping and how to apply it.
The customer journey.
Mapping the journey.
How to develop customer journey maps.
Speaking to customers.
Communicating the customer journey map.
Part Three
Strategies For Achieving Excellent Customer Experience.
Chapter 09 - Developing a customer experience strategy
Pillars of customer experience – commitment, fulfilment, seamlessness, responsiveness, proactivity, evolution.
Chapter 10 - Securing buy-in at all levels of customer experience
Buy-in at all levels.
Creating an internal service culture. Benchmarking.
Chapter 11 - Working with sales and marketing teams to streamline customer experience.
The challenge of the large company.
Aligning departments.
Chapter 12 - How to create an internal service culture.
What is culture?
Support from the top.
Hiring the right people.
Empowering people.
Rewards and awards.
Chapter 13 - Using segmentation to deliver better customer experience
Segmentation and customer experience.
Dealing with the decision-making unit.
Segmentation and product proliferation.
Arriving at a business to business segmentation.
Problems with needs based segmentations.
Profiling segments.
Part 4
Implementation Of A Customer Experience Programme.
Chapter 14 - The role of brands in creating better customer experience
The role of brands. Using brands to differentiate.
Business to business branding.
Aligning staff with company values.
Achieving consistency.
Chapter 15 - The role of products in creating better customer experience
Products – the heart of the offer.
Product packaging.
Improving customer experience by product design.
The augmented product.
Chapter 16 - Price and its role in creating better customer experience
Price expectations.
Trends in B2B pricing.
Becoming more customer centric using price.
Keeping track of prices.
Chapter 17 - Place and its role in creating better customer experience
Customer experience in the marketing channel.
The logistics of distribution.
Customer experience in the B2B channel.
Merchant trends.
Digital marketing and B2B experience.
Chapter 18 - Promotion and its role in creating better customer experience
The changing role of promotions.
The emotional connection with B2B suppliers.
Promotions that excite.
Making B2B promotions work.
Chapter 19 - The role of people in creating better customer experience
Building strong personal relationships in business to business companies.
Hiring the right people.
Chapter 20 - The role of technology in creating better customer experience
Using the digital offer to make a difference.
Offering omnichannel availability.
Using technology to improve marketing and customer experience.
Part 5
Controls That Ensure The Customer Experience Programme Stays On Track.
Chapter 21 - Measuring the performance of customer experience initiatives
Tracking results.
Pulse or period?
Social media as a source of customer experience.
Using a CRM system.
Chapter 22 - The challenge of continuous improvement in customer experience
Where to focus.
CX does not stand still.
Generating ideas internally.
Little initiatives add up.
Listening to customers.
Executing new ideas.
Monitoring new initiatives.
Communicating the customer experience results.